Foundation News
Presentation of the collective artist’s book Bacon, de face, de profil, tout contre, produced by the students of the Villa Arson’s printmaking studio, in collaboration with the Francis Bacon MB Art Foundation

Presentation of the collective artist’s book Bacon, de face, de profil, tout contre, produced by the students of the Villa Arson’s printmaking studio, in collaboration with the Francis Bacon MB Art Foundation


The final show of the creative lab Vers Abraxa will be presented at 109, in Nice, on Saturday 15 June from 3 to 5pm. It takes place within the scope of the event “Éclairage Public#3”, organised by the city of Nice, and with the participation of the students of the Villa Arson printmaking studio, who have created the artist’s book Bacon, de face, de profil, tout contre, in collaboration with our Foundation.

This project was initiated after several visits by the Villa Arson students to our institution and focuses on space, figures (and their inclusion in the public space), blurring, chance and gambling, a series of themes present in Bacon’s oeuvre. 

The public is invited to see 13 performances to get immersed in a student-created universe, by turns utopian and dystopian.